
The consortium has consisted of nine partners, including three research institutions (DTU Mekanik, eScience-NBI - University of Copenhagen, NBI Niels Bohr Institute - University of Copenhagen), two advisory partners (IPU, DTI Danish Technological Institute), one large company (Novo Nordisk) and two small / medium businesses (Yxlon, Deformalyze). During the project, Deformalyze has dropped-out and LEGO joined-in the consortium. Furthermore, DMRI Danish Meat Research Institute was a company when the project started, but became a part of DTI in 2009. Together with a number of national and international collaborators, the consortium has acted as a Centre of Excellence for industrial CT scanning, both nationally and internationally.

Links to consortium companies:

Over time a CIA-CT Network with approx. 40 participants was established, as illustrated in figure (click for enlarging). The network has followed the project through its dissemination activities.

CIA-CT Network including Consortium partners.
12 DECEMBER 2024